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Principal's Message

A headshot of Anthony Corrado

Anthony Corrado, Zeiger Elementary Principal

Zeiger families,

We would like to wish you all a safe, healthy, and restful summer break. This school year has been challenging in many ways for students, families, the community, and staff. However, the year has also been full of wonderful opportunities and achievements. We are so impressed and proud of Zeiger students’ persistence, determination, and growth during this year.

We all learned so many new ways to utilize technology and stay connected with one another. We learned to embrace change and practice flexibility, even when it was a huge challenge. Every year it is essential to work together as a team for student success, and this year tested that to the highest level. We are so thankful for our families and Zeiger community for supporting our students every step of the way. We look forward to being back to our hustling and bustling building next year, filled with students’ voices and excited chatter.

Thank you so much from the bottom of our hearts. Thank you for sharing your children with us and supporting their learning from home this year. Please take the time to detach from technology, attend to yourself and your family, rejuvenate, and allow for next year to remain in the future being present in the moment with those most important to you.

Have a great summer,

Anthony Corrado, Principal & Dani Baker, Assistant Principal

Contact Info

Anthony Corrado